Board of Directors
The NCANA Board of Directors consists of 9 active members (CRNAs) including 5 NCANA officers (president, president elect, vice-president, secretary, and treasurer) and 4 district directors. The officers comprise the NCANA Executive Committee.
The Board of Directors also includes 3 student registered nurse anesthetists (SRNAs). These associate members serve as non-voting student representatives and are appointed by the Board on a rotating basis.
Learn more about the Board of Directors and Executive Committee in the NCANA Bylaws.
 Megan Conner, PhD, CRNA
 Elena N. Meadows, DNP, CRNA Immediate Past President |
 Ian Hewer, PhD, CRNA President-Elect
 Jimmy Hicks, MSN, CRNA Vice President |
 Bill Cobb, CRNA Secretary |
 Kendra Hetrick, MSN, CRNA Treasurer |
 Kasey Morgan, MS, CRNA District 1 Director |
 Stacey L. Schlesinger, DNP, MBA, CRNA District 2 Director |
Aimee Finnie, CRNA District 3 Director |
 Cara Harrison, MSN, CRNA District 4 Director |
 Coltin Greer, SRNA Student Representative Program: Wake Forest University |
 Reagen Godette, SRNA Student Representative Program: Western Carolina University |
 Joseph Schwind, BSN, RN, SRNA Student Representative Program: Duke University |
Committee Descriptions
AANA Foundation Director:
Education & Research Chair: Zachary Smith Committee Members: Ian Hewer, Sandra Pena, Derrick Glymph, Cassie Dozer, Stacey Schlesinger, Luci New, Renee Levine Student members (LEAD Scholarship)- Rachel Civale (Duke University) & Corrine Hauck (Wake Forest University)
Federal Political Directors Co-Chair: Jessica Szydlowski and Stephanie Brogdon
Government Relations Government Relations Director: Kimberly Gordon Chair: Linda Stone Committee Members: Tiffany Lin, Jessica Szydlowski, Kasey Morgan, Forrest Dunnahoo, Elena Meadows, Bill Wade, Johanna Newman
Public Relations Chair: Chrissy Kress Committee Members: Kate Jones, Ali Papi
Program Co-Chairs - Chris Simmons and Kendra Hetrick Committee Member: Kasey Morgan
Political Action Committee Members: Bob Whitehurst, Kimberly Gordon, Alex Munsey
DEI Co-Chairs: Tatum Mealing, Heath Lambert Committee Members: Kris Privette, Alex Prescott, Wakiya Berry, Sharzaud Karimi, Mumta Chambers, Mollie Meyers, Madsion Olson, Chrissy Kress, Kelly Ternes, Emily Sprenger
Bylaws Chair - Bob Matthews
History Chair - Cathy Briggs
Nominating Board Nominated Member - Trish Tuttle District 1 - Kristal Barbee District 2 - Grace Simpson District 3 - Christine Detwiler District 4 - Robert Dickinson
Peer Assistance & Wellness State Directors - Linda Stone and Luci New Committee Members: Becky Cranford, Bowen Griffith, Sarah Browning, Nicholas Glover, Thomas Winn
State Reimbursement Specialist Bob Matthews
LEAD Scholarship Director Deb Flaherty
Want to get involved? If you want to get involved and join an NCANA committee, please reach out to the NCANA office ([email protected]).